Monday, September 30, 2019

Common Reactions to Sexual Harassment Essay

Sexual harassment affects everyone differently. Since each instance of sexual harassment carries its own particular relationships, behaviors, attitudes, and responses, it is hard to predict exactly how you will react until the situation occurs. A large part of sexual harassment has to do with power. The person harassing you is using their words and/or actions to affect you. This is often confusing and can lead to mixed feelings about how to handle the situation. Victims of sexual harassment are often fearful of the consequences that might come from reporting the harassment or embarrassed by what their co-workers and superiors might think. Will they believe me? Will the situation just get worse? What if this was my fault to begin with? It’s important to remember that sexual harassment is not your fault. You did not ask for this behavior, and in fact, may have expressly asked it to stop. If you have questions about how to handle your claim speak to a sexual harassment lawyer about the details of your case. The person harassing you may not have understood your personal boundaries at the time of the first offense (depending on the severity), but they certainly do if you’ve told them that their behavior makes you uncomfortable. Common reactions to sexual harassment include: Denial Embarrassment Guilt Fear Isolation Shame When the offensive person or persons continue harassment, the best thing to  do is report the behavior to a supervisor, human resources department, or follow your company’s grievance procedure. It is not uncommon for those who experience sexual harassment to feel confused or alone in their situation. These feelings can prevent you from reporting your situation or even discussing it with friends or family. Being able to talk about your experiences is an important part of the healing process and is the first step to resolving your situation. There are also sexual harassment support groups available where you can connect with other people who understand the complex emotions you are going through.   If you are currently experiencing sexual harassment, know that you are not alone. It is also possible that there are other people in your workplace experiencing similar circumstances and are as affected by them as you are. Single Parent Research Paper Writing Skills: Important Issues Single parent family condition involves the presence of a father or mother and children/child. In a better definition one can say that single parent is one who is saddle unwillingly with the responsibility of brining up a child or children as the case maybe, so we talk about the single mother and father. The ongoing controversies about this family formation use to be bizarre in the past but due to increase in awareness and technological changes it has become tolerated. Single parenting as far as I am concerned can be described as a weak alternative to the whole or balance parenting practice, it is as a result of mistake which often lead to faulty children upbringing which most times leads to creating body and academic tasks like students against destructive decision research paper and school violent research paper. Single parent research paper is a writing that is conducted within the auspices of the educational sector mostly by pupils in high school; it aims apart from fulfilling academic requirements providing possible solutions to controversial, argumentative and questionable issues created by this condition. In doing this one will be urged to dig up some single parental issues, sample opinions from school, forums, groups, and what have you. These and other writing information will be divulged in single parent  research paper writing plus how to get research paper help that is qualitative and cost effective from There are so many issues surrounding single parenthood some are controversial, influential, informative, questionable, and argumentative; meaning that the subjectsingle parent research paper writing attracts diverse reactions from people and thus sparks interest and reactions for this reason is this research paper writing initiated to address these issues and possib ly bring about a very suitable solution. Research paper writing requires types of essay writing skills like: argumentative, informative, descriptive, persuasive, controversial, reflective, cause and effect essay paper, add to these is the need to learn how to cite a research and other procedures that will be discuss in due course in the mean time one or two among many issues under thesingle parent research paper writing subject will be discussed and they are: cause and effect of single parent hood. The family is a small part of nation any problem in that setting will most definitely lead to problem in the society. for instance a child faced with parental abuse in the home setting will grow harmful traits like; aggressiveness, hate, rebellion, self complex, and what have you resulting in hates crimes that is prevalent in the society today so for this reason the training of a child should necessary not be solely restricted to parent but the society at large beginning from the immediate environment. The essence of this argument is to sensitize people to show a measure of concern to children this includes their welfare; the consequences is not only limited to the child or the family but to you the neighbor, family, friends, even strangers do not turn the other way when children are spotted doing wrong (in the absence of the parent) you never know you might be the first victim of the consequences. So what are the causes of single parenting; one is divorce, death of a spouse, teenage pregnancy/immorality, and child adoption by an individual. Among these causes teenage pregnancies and consequences of immoral living is the most destructive and that is becasue children born into this environment hardly ever come out right except by share luck, most reasons for juvenile delinquencies are traceable to parenting under this condition. How? This is where this instructional piece of writing single parent research paper comes in; in the next few seconds you will be reading how to approach a writing task such as this one.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Drugs and Society Essay

1b. List and describe briefly the major structures of the brain, as presented in your textbook, including the function of those elements that are most related to psychoactive drug reaction. The first layer of the brain is the cortex which covers the top and sides of the brain. This area controls reasoning and language, and this area will be less active when under sedative drugs. The basal ganglia are located underneath the cortex and it is made up of by the striatum. The striatum controls muscle tone and is part of the dopamine pathway which is a potential transport highway for psychoactive drugs. The hypothalamus is at the base of the brain and serves as liaison between the brain and pituitary gland. The pituitary hormonal output is involved in behaviors such as feeding and temperature regulation. The limbic system affects emotion, location memory, and physical activity. Along the brain stem are the medulla, midbrain, and pons from which contain the bulk of neurons that create dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. The lower brain stem controls vomiting and respiratory functions. If affected, the respiratory function can be suppressed by drugs. 1c. Describe the life cycle of a typical neurotransmitter. A cell membrane with the uptake of a particular precursor absorbs amino acids to create a neurotransmitter. The amino acids undergo synthesis with a reaction with enzymes to become a neurotransmitter. Once created, the neurotransmitters are stored in vesicles until they are released into the synapse. Once released, the neurotransmitters will attempt to attach to the membrane of neurons. If the neurotransmitter does not make it to the neuron, then it will either absorb in the originating cell or be metabolized within the synapse. 2b. Differentiate between drug disposition tolerance, behavioral tolerance, and pharmacodynamics tolerance, and provide reasons why these concepts should be taken into account when determining the effects of a drug. Drug disposition tolerance is defined as the increase of the drug’s rate of metabolism or removal. The user may increase the amount of a drug taken due to the drug being metabolized too quickly or being removed from the body. A person may compensate their behavior when exposed to a drug overtime such as learning to drive while intoxicated. The impairment is reduced and this is known as behavioral tolerance. Pharmacodynamics tolerance is the main contributor to the need to increase the dosage of a drug in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms. The user does not feel the same effects of a dosage so the dosage must be increased in order to get the same feeling. 2d. Provide several specific personal and societal steps you would recommend in an effort to reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions to drugs taken in combination. The largest deficit that can be produced to avoid adverse reactions to drug taken in combination is to avoid doing it all such as alcohol and other depressants. Individuals that need to take multiple medications such as person with diabetes and high blood pressure need to be carefully monitored and educated on the effects of the medications individually and the effects of the medications when combined. 3b. Explain the basic rationale and theoretical foundations for the extensive use of amphetamine in the treatment of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). ADHD individuals have deficits involved with the functions of executive control within the brain. This control center affects concentration, hyperactivity, and learning. Amphetamines have been shown to produce a calming effect upon the individual from the amphetamines ability to increase brain catecholamine activity whereas ADHD individuals suffer from catecholamine deficits in the prefrontal cortex. 3c. Provide your personal viewpoint on major concerns about ADHD diagnoses and the efficacy of drug treatments that have led to recent controversy. The basis of diagnoses of ADHD has not been fully researched due to any widely accepted knowledge as to why stimulants are effective in treating hyperactivity. The causes of ADHD are still not thoroughly understood. There have also been non-stimulant drugs that have been shown to be just as effective as stimulants such as Strattera and Atomoxetine. I believe that ADHD itself is a complicated issue that requires multiple points of attack such as the use of stimulant and non-stimulant drugs. What may work on one individual may not work on another. 4a. Provide evidence of your understanding of the ways in which time course events of barbiturate and benzodiazepine actions contribute to the onset of psychological and/or physical dependence. Barbiturate are fast acting drugs that may work within fifteen minutes and stay in the system for up to three hours. Due to the rapid activity of the barbiturates, they serve as a strong reinforcement to users due to the drug produced a desired effect quickly and leaving the body just as quickly. Benzodiazepine takes longer to initialize, but also stay in the body for up to ten hours. Barbiturates are taken in higher doses more rapidly, while Benzodiazepine is taken at lower does. Withdrawal symptoms of barbiturates from chronic symptoms are severe due to the rapidness the drug leaves the user’s body without the user’s body being able to adapt to the drug adequately. 4b. Describe the key functions of GABA (g-aminobutryic acid) in producing the effects of various sedative-hypnotic agents, with specific reference to benzodiazepines. GABA is a neurotransmitter that is found in CNS areas and deals with inhibitory functions. Benzodiazepine molecules are strongly attracted to the GABA receptor sites and when bound to the GABA receptor, the Benzodiazepine molecules will increase the inhibitory effects of GABA on the receptors.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Adamantinoma of the Right Tibia Case Study

Adamantinoma of the Right Tibia Case Study INTRODUCTION: Adamantinoma is low grade malignant tumor of fibroblast origin. Also called as primary epidermoid carcinoma of bone, malignant angioblastoma or epithelial tumor of bone. It was first described by Fischer in 1913. 1 It represents less than 0.4% of all malignant bone tumors. 2 The exact origin of adamantinoma is unknown, the classic variant is composed of epithelial cells and osteofibrous components. It is more prevalent in men than in women, ratio being 5:4. The common age of presentation is in the second decade, though it can vary greatly between the second to fifth decades. 3 The common site of occurrence is the ramus of the mandible. The other uncommon locations include shaft of long bones (97%), mid-shaft of tibia (80%-85%). 4 Other rare locations includes the humerus, ulna, femur, fibula and radius but ribs, spine, metatarsal and carpal bones. 5 The characteristic features of adamantinoma is slow, gradual development with high chances of local recurrences and also metastases to lungs. 6 In this case study, we have presented a rare histological acanthomatous variant of adamantinoma of the right tibia with metastases to the right inguinal region. CASE REPORT: A 45 year old male patient presented with history of pain in right leg since 3-4 months, insidious onset, gradually progressive, aggravated on exercise, relieved on rest and medication. Later patient had no relief on medication. There was no history of trauma or fall preceeding to onset of symptoms. The patient also complained of swelling in the right groin since 1 month, without pain. On examination, the patient was stable. Local examination showed, a swelling of about 5X3cm in the upper end right leg, tender, well defined, hard in consistency, smooth surface, involving the right knee joint line. There was restriction of movement, but range of movements was present. Examination of right inguinal region revealed a 7X6cm firm, non-matted mass, immobile, non-tender, non-reducible, non -pulsatile mass. Local examination of penis, scrotum, anal canal, hernia orifices was normal. Baseline investigations were done, all the haematological parameters were normal, ultrasound abdomen and chest radiograph was normal. Plain radiograph of right tibia showed large central lytic lesion with sclerotic margins, involving the upper end and shaft of tibia without involvement of right knee joint. Supra-patellar amputation of right leg with right inguinal and right external iliac nodal dissection was done. Histopathological examination of the mass was done. The reported was suggestive of acanthomatous adamantionoma. The features are as described, central area of squamous cell nests which were well differentiated with keratinization surrounded by a rim of myxoid cells. Further immunohistochemistry(IHC) study was done to confirm the diagnosis. IHC was also consistent with the diagnosis and confirmed the diagnosis. Positivity was found for cytokeratin(CK), EMA, CK-19, CK-5, CK-6, P-63 , and Ki-67 and vimentin. Also metastases to right inguinal lymph node was confirmed. DISCUSSION: The first bone tumor with epithelial characteristic was reported by Maier in 1900, later in 1913 Fischer termed it as adamantinoma. It is more common in men than in women. The age of presentation varies between the second to fifth decade. The uncommon sites includes the shaft of long bones(97%), of which the mid-shaft of tibia being the most common site(80-85%). The symptoms at presentation include pain with localised swelling. Swelling is the most common symptom. Pain may be present due to history of repetitive trauma associated with adamantinoma. 7 Adamantinoma is low grade malignant tumor, and can metastasize to loco-regional nodal areas and to lungs at presentation. The patient in the case report was also a middle aged man in the fifth decade with pain and swelling in the right tibia since 3-4 months and swelling in the right groin.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Identify and discuss in details organisation skills, artistic Essay

Identify and discuss in details organisation skills, artistic &creative skills, social skills and communication skills which the staff must be exposed to in a one week staff training programme - Essay Example This essay will focus on the organizational, communication, social, creative and artistic skills that employees should be exposed to in such a training program. Effective communication skills that are of high scale are very vital in an organization in the modern world. They help in coping with the stiff competition that organizations are facing from all scopes of life. Effective communication highly relies on the type of communication skills that one possesses. It involves engaging the most appropriate communication channel, presentation of the information to the targeted audience, skills to understand fully, and easily responses made by the audience as well as having the technical expertise of using the chosen channel of communication (Worth, 2009 pg 45). Self-development, Interpersonal skills, cooperation, mutual understanding, as well as trust are significant in setting a concluded channel of effective communications skills. There are three types of communication skills that corporates can instill in their staffs. They include expressive skills, listening skills as well as management skills meant for controlling the whole process of communication. In addition, emotional skills are also very fundamental since they determine the fate of all the other three skills mentioned above. Expressive skills help in conveying messages to the other people by use of facial expressions, words, and body languages. On the other hand, listening skills are the skills employed primarily so as to get information and messages from the other people (Worth, 2009 pg 55). They help in making the speaker understand his or her audience feelings and thoughts towards him or her and more so, understanding the audience more closely. Communication management skills help in recognizing the needed information, and create a strong hold on the present rules of interaction and communication. Equipping staffs or members

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ethic and Morality in Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethic and Morality in Religion - Essay Example Thus, it strives for all humanity without discrimination. The philosophers and thinkers are of the opinion that the popularity and validity of a religion can be assessed, estimated and measured by the noble teachings of its pioneers in respect of betterment and welfare of the individuals. No religion allows exercise of any kind of butcheries, atrocities and cruelties in the name of faith and religion. On the contrary, the concept of religion has close association with humanity, sacrifice, ethics and moral values.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The founders, preachers and pioneers of every religion have looked for the implication and observation of moral values as one of the most essential elements of the basic teachings of their faith. Though religious cults and practices vary among the followers of different religions, and there are some similarities too, yet the most common thing among all the faiths includes their emphasis on ethical principles and moral values. Ethics and morality refer to the rules and regulations, based on the principles of charity, kindness, love, respect and goodness, which everyone is bound to observe in his behavior. The basic motive behind every religion has always been the welfare of the people, which can be witnessed by analyzing the words, teachings and scriptures of the founders of the great religions.   Ã‚   Like other religious beliefs, Christianity has also defined morality as the essence of their traditional faith. The Christians consider Holy Christ as the founder of Christianity.

Discrimination in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Discrimination in the Workplace - Essay Example It is the mutual responsibility of employers and employees to take effective measures to stop workplace discrimination. Let us consider the case of Holmes, Helm and Partners, Inc. and discuss some of the most effective ways through which the HR manager of a company can avoid workplace discrimination Awareness about Discrimination Employees need to know that hiring decisions based on some protected class characteristics and dismissing employees based on his/her race or gender are legally defined as workplace discrimination and the employees have the right to raise their voice against such cases. In our case, Jessica Farrago, who was one of the two newly appointed creative supervisors, was being discriminated by Marc Corrigan as she was receiving no input or feedback from him on the work she was doing. That is the reason why she wanted to raise her voice in front of the president of the HHP. Protected Class Characteristics Another way to avoid workplace discrimination is by knowing tha t anti-discrimination laws cover protected classes. Employees need to know what protected classes actually are. â€Å"A protected class is a group of people against whom it is illegal to discriminate based on a common characteristic† (Ehow, n.d.). ... Similarly, Marc Corrigan did not like to hire Heather Stubbs and Oscar Rosenberg because of age and disability issues. These kinds of thoughts must be avoided while taking any key decision in order to prevent discrimination at the workplace. Zero Tolerance Policy If some employees belonging to any specific gender verbally and physically harass the opposite gender and the higher authority does not take any action against the offenders. This is a form of sex-based discrimination, which creates tension and nervousness for the victim of discrimination. To avoid such kinds of discrimination, managers need to implement zero tolerance policy and should make every employee read the guidelines of the policy on the first day of their jobs in order o avoid discrimination practice at the workplace. â€Å"If employees are made aware of the forms and effects of discrimination in the workplace it will act to discourage the practice† (McLellan, 2011). If any employee is found violating the an ti-discrimination laws of the company, he/she should be dismissed immediately to maintain a good working atmosphere in the company. For example, in our case, when Jessica reported to higher authorities the incidents of verbal sexual harassment by Harvey and Andrew, Marc Corrigan supported the offenders instead of taking disciplinary action against them. Mr. Corrigan declared Jessica’s allegations completely absurd and did not take any action against Harvey and Andrew. In such cases, incidents of discrimination and harassment prevail putting a negative impact on the company. Complaint Procedure Another step, which the management of a company must take, is to establish a proper

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The leaders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The leaders - Essay Example of how you relate to others at work and at home† (Whitmore, 2009, p 2). In the day today life of the present world many leaders are seen in business, politics, religion, and the like. A leader should have some basic qualities to become a good leader. A leader is the person who leads by example through his charismatic personality and as such he differs considerably from a boss. The boss always orders and others are compelled to obey him or her. In the case of a leader he or she never orders but leads others and knows well the power of group dynamism. A leader should â€Å"Canvass team members’ views about the desirability of arranging structured social time together† and he should â€Å"put support in place to deal, in confidence of requested, with individual troubles or concerns as they arise† (Whitmore, 2009, p.146). To speak frankly, a leader has great works to carry out. It is very difficult to be a good leader. In the industrial world to manage a group of persons with different emotional level is difficult but a skilled leader can manage them well. In this regard it can be said that a leader should have the enough emotional stability. The E.Q. and I.Q. of a leader should be high to manage others. Such leaders are fully accepted by the fellow mates whereas despotic rulers are not considered as leaders because they never lead the people but issue orders only. A leader never brings blame culture to the office and would always emphasis on joined and shared responsibility. An effective team leader is the one who inspires, motivates and protects all in the group and helps them out in times of problems. The nature of finding fault with others and accusing them for the mistakes will not make a good leader in a person. One of my friends who were employed in Smith and co once told me that his boss was always finding fault with others and this used to provoke all in the group. As this was the nature of his boss the performance of the group w as not up to the mark. The personnel manager of the company later came to know about the matter and finally the team leader was changed. Then the result of the team turned to be successful. Once the ineffective leader was changed and replaced by an effective leader, the group produced desired results. The company could gain much profit by this action. A good leader always likes to learn new skills together with his group. He or she provides the rules acceptable for the group in which he or she works. This will help the group to contribute as much as they can. A good leader is the man filled with the elements of confidence. Moreover, he has amble belief in himself. Only a person who has confidence in oneself will have confidence in others. The famous leader M.K. Gandhi, hailed as the father of India, was such a person. He lead from the front and he himself stood in the front for attaining freedom for the country. He was confident in his actions and on his followers too. So even today in across the world he is considered as a great leader. A leader is a person who has the capacity to dream to achieve his

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Learning theories Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Learning theories - Research Paper Example Teachers are regularly struck with suggestions for reforms. They are often asked to use different curricula, new assessment and novel teaching strategies. They are constantly been directed to prepare learners for new standardized test or to assess learner’s work by way of conducting portfolios and performance assessments. They are often advised to practice research based approaches to teach learners in order to enhance their performances (Wilson & Peterson, 2006). Traditionally, learning was perceived as just acquisition of skills and knowledge whereas currently, the concept has been viewed to include emotional as well as social and various societal dimensions. Additionally, learning theories attempts to describe and understand the various ways in which the people learn. Very often, the theories are considered to be the important resource of the educational research as they have the potential to guide in constructing new educational approaches and analyzing along with improvin g the existing approaches and trends (Navarro & Hoek, n.d.). With this concern, the paper intends to critically explore three learning theories of Malcolm Knowles’s learning theory of andragogy, transformative learning theory of Jack Mezirow and experiential learning theory belonging to D. A. Kolb. Brief Explanation of Theories Malcolm Shepherd Knowles and the Theory of Andragogy Malcolm shepherd Knowles is often been considered as the fundamental figure in the segment of adult education particularly in the region of United States during the middle of twentieth century. During the year 1950, he was assigned with the responsibility of Executive Director of the Adult Education Association of the US. The first work of Knowles was termed as informal adult education. Later, he developed a unique theoretical basis for adult education and learning through highlighting upon the notion of andragogy. This work of his was greatly appreciated in the US. Furthermore, his work was consider ed to be the crucial factor that has contributed in changing the views of adult teachers from ‘educating people’ to ‘helping them learn’. Knowles was able to convince that learning practices of adults are different from those of children. He was engaged in building inclusive theory concerning with adult learning that was closely related with the features of adult learners. Earlier work of Knowles concerning ‘informal adult education’ had postulated certain basic elements of process as well as settings. Later, he intended to combine all the elements in order to propose new conceptual basis for improving the adult learning practices. The mechanism or the learning theory that postulated by him was termed as andragogy. According to Knowles, the theory concerning andragogy was primarily based upon four pioneer assumptions that were based upon the characteristics of adult learners. These assumptions were related with the adult learners that are quite dissimilar from the assumptions that dealt with the children learners (Mark K. Smith, 2002). Later, a fifth assumption was added to the theory. Thus, the five basic assumptions relating to andragogy theory that developed by Knowles have been portrayed hereunder. Self-Concept According to Knowles, the maturity that occurs in an individual with the passage of times lead towards self-concept moves wherein an individual tends to become more self-directed person from being a reliant personality (Mark K. Smith, 2002). Experience Similarly, Knowles admitted that as an individual becomes

Monday, September 23, 2019

Whistle blowing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Whistle blowing - Essay Example Internal whistle blowing is whereby a whistleblower communicates any form of misconduct to their supervisor, who then applies the established procedures in the organization to address the misconduct. External whistle blowing is whereby a whistleblower communicates any form of misconduct to external parties like the media or law enforcement agencies (Lewis, 45). A whistleblower can report misconducts, illegal actions, or neglect of duties at work, including; In most cases, an employee cannot suffer a dismissal because of whistle blowing, since this is would amount to an unfair dismissal. In other words, the law will protect them if there was a fulfillment of certain standards. These standards are known as the qualifying disclosures. Normally, the individuals protected include agency workers, employees, individuals who are training with an employer and have not yet gotten employment, and supervised self-employed workers. An employee is only entitled to protection if they sincerely feel that whatever they are reporting is factual and they feel they are informing the right person. In addition, the whistleblower must also believe that their exposure is in the interest of the public. Employees are, however not protected from dismissal when they break the law while reporting misconduct. For instance, when an employee had earlier on signed the Official Secrets Act, or when the misconduct became discoverable in an event whereby another person was seeking legal advice. Moreover, those workers who are not employed.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

National Food Marketing Report Essay Example for Free

National Food Marketing Report Essay Pakistan is known for spice in the world, as it has brought several sub continental taste from India after independence. National Foods is the leading sub continental recipe masala company of Pakistan with distinct market share as compare to the competitors. National Foods began its journey in 1970 as a Spice company, with a revolutionary product that popularized the concept of having clean, healthy food. National foods’ initiatives were, to make food that is hygienic, reduce time spent in the kitchen by women, foster health and contribute towards personal attractiveness, so that people who use our products would be able to experience a more rewarding life-style. This was long before the phrase ‘Corporate Mission’ had even been invented. However, founder’s philosophy remains unchanged over time. Even if their language – and the notion of only women doing the housework – have become outdated, in this age of rapidly changing lifestyles, fuelled by the rampant development of technology; consumers are compelled to alter their eating habits. National Foods responds to this challenge of developing innovative food products based on convenience and quick preparation in line with modern lifestyles and yet retains traditional values through its diverse collection of food products. In a history that now crosses three decades, National Foods’ success has been influenced by the major events of the day – economic boom, depression, wars, changing consumer lifestyles and technological advancements. Even after three decades the company’s focal point still remains on customer’s needs through product development in line with the changing market trends. COMPANY PHILOSOPHY National Foods must focus on customer’s needs and serve them with quality products at affordable prices at their doorsteps. Our products must be pure and conform to international standards. Our research must continuously produce new adventurous products scientifically tested, hygienically produced in safe and attractive packaging. We must create environment in our offices and factories where talents are groomed and have opportunity to advance in their careers. We must prove to be recognized as good corporate citizens, support good causes-charity and bear fair share of taxes. Reserves must be built, new factories created, sound profits made and fair dividend paid to our stock holders through building a reliable brand. National Foods Ltd. must get itself recognized as leader in Pakistan and abroad. With the help of almighty God, the company can achieve its targets in years to come. VISION STATEMENT The vision of National Foods Ltd. is â€Å"To be a Rs. 50 billion food company by the year 2020 in the convenience food segment by launching products and services in the domestic and international markets that enhance lifestyle and create value for our customers through management excellence at all levels. † BUSINESS PRACTICES NFL believes in conducting its operations with strong ethical and moral standards. NFLs statement of code of conduct business practices aims to provide guidance on carrying out its business related decisions and activities. We wish to achieve excellence in all spheres of our operations for which code of conduct form the basis. Any party entering any form of contract with NFL is bound to comply with the given guidelines. NFLs statement of code of conduct business practices has the following seven guidelines: 1. Unfair Means: Any use of bribery, kickbacks or any form of payment in cash/kind to obtain business related or otherwise gainful benefit for the company is strictly prohibited. Excessive business gifts and entertainment also hold the same meaning and NFL does not approve of such payments. 2. Respect and Integrity: NFL believes in giving respect to individuals. We aim to operate in a manner that discourages discrimination, harassment and/or influence. Discrimination refers to favoritism based on a particular aspect of an individual personality. 3. Conflict of Interest: NFL prohibits actions that are in conflict with the company business interests. This may include but is not limited to providing assistance to the competition or holding ownership interests in a customer, supplier, distributor or competitor and making personal gains at company expense. 4. Confidentiality: NFL believes in confidentiality of information related to company business activities. The company expects employees not to disclose or divulge by any means the confidential and commercially sensitive information except to the authoritative personnel requiring it. 5. Statutory Compliance: NFL believes in providing total support and cooperation to all the governmental and regulatory bodies irrespective of the extent of prevalent enforcement. 6. Financial Integrity: NFL believes in complete compliance with the accepted accounting rules and procedures. This includes but is not limited to Transparency: NFL discourages any illegal activity for the purpose of any benefit to the company or others. All information supplied to the stake holders and/or auditors must be authentic transparent and Disclosure: All transactions must be fully disclosed and must be for the purpose stated for. 7. Health, Safety and Community Responsibility: NFL is fully committed to safety, health and responsibility towards environment and community. All activities of NFL must portray responsibility towards the community and nation as a whole. NFL seeks to employ procedures that are safe, healthy and environment friendly. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS This year brought a series of challenges and transformation for the Sales Team. As the magnitude of the socio-political upheavals increased in the country, the Sales Team was not only determined to face all the adversities, in the face of the law and order situation, but also introduce valuable changes which would be favorable for the overall growth and development of the company. In spite of the prevailing conditions of strikes, shutter downs and political turmoil, the Sales Team delivered its targets. In certain key categories like recipe and salt, we even over delivered. These categories have a significant impact in volume growth and bottom line as well. The Channel Specific approach implemented is beginning to yield results, where the Sales Team capitalized on the market sales potential in areas of Public Account, Local Modern Trade, International Modern Trade, Food Service Division, Special Category and General Trade. Sales growth in Public Accounts (USC-CSD) has more than doubled this year. In Special Category Management (SCM), sales of salt was at an all time high. The 2013 environment was once again challenging on account of deteriorating law and order situation, high inflation, counterfeits and energy shortages. However, in the wake of such challenges, we delivered 20% sales growth (Volume 15%) with an improvement in trading operating margin and EPS growth thereby demonstrating the value of strong alignment of our people behind our strategic priority to become Rs. 50bn business by 2020. Strong presence in international markets is at the core of our vision statement and in line with our aspiration we established a subsidiary in Dubai NFL DMCC to strengthen our export operations and plan to set up more subsidiaries in Europe and North America soon. The sustained business growth that we have evidenced in National Foods as well as strategic alignment provides framework for accelerated innovation, increased engagement with consumers and enhanced operational and financial capabilities. This will enable us to remain fit to win in more intense environment in future. Pakistan is the part of sub-continent, which is known for the high spicy foods and National Foods is the leading recipe masala of the country. But National Foods faced tough competition from the founder of the recipe masalas in the country that is Shan Foods’ Recipe Masalas. National Foods has different food categories and in each category they faced different competitors. National Foods started their operations with Jam, Jelly, Marmalades and Pickles and became a major competitor to Michelle’s and Ahmed Foods. National Foods are perceived as Pioneer in Ketchups and Sauces by competing with Shezan and now Shangrilla too. Following is the SWOT Analysis and Matrix as per National Food’s Strategy Formulation: Strengths: Cultural Image Developer Largest Food Exporter High Advertising Budget International Recognition. Weakness: High Pricing Strategy Limited Products Conventional Packing Stuck with Tradition Opportunities: High Food Entertainment Fond to International Tastes Multi-Cultural Lifestyle Technological Communication SO Strategy National Foods should introduced International Recipes WO Strategy Associate National Food’s Brands with Interactive Social Media Threats: Increasing Dine-in Hangout Low Priced Masala Brands Ready-to-Eat Food Availability Chef’s TV Demonstrations ST Strategy Sponsored the Cookery Shows on Leading Food TV Channels in Pakistan WT Strategy. Cobranding the National Foods with Leading Fast Food Chains for building association Proposed and Designed by Afnan Khan OLD VERSUS NEW BRAND LOGO OLD LOGO For over 40 years, we’ve been known as the one brand women all over Pakistan count on, but just like people grow and change, we’re growing too. And now it’s time for a change. Every year we’re growing bigger, brighter, more global, and our NFL spirit of adventure – which has been the energy behind every new and innovative product – is now the encouragement behind our new logo. The new Pakistani homemaker is feisty and vibrant and our new image is helping her feel just as we have generations of food lovers feel – completely at home. NEW LOGO At NFL, freshness is what keeps us going. We keep life updated with new recipes, new products, and now we’ve got ourselves a Transformed logo. As with everything we do, we took a careful look at what we had, kept the best of the past, and introduced elements that were exciting, appealing, and yet always true to our soul. We’re still caring, optimistic, and reliable and now we’re livelier than ever before! MARKETING MIX Product Categories National Foods Limited has Fourteen Product Categories: 1. Chinese 2. Desserts 3. Health foods 4. Jams 5. Ketchups 6. Pickles 7. Raj masala National Food’s Recipe Masalas are the high revenue generated product, competing with Shan Foods shoulder by shoulder. National Foods launched Rivaaj Pastes in last decade and received acclaimed response from the market by having a competitive advantage in product line. National Foods’ Chinese Recipes are pressured by the Knorr’s Chinese Recipes and failed to receive estimated targets. National Foods’ Ketchups are the followers in the market despite of being founder in the ketchup industry because of Shangrilla’s Chinese flavored ketchups. National Foods’ another product category of Pickles are the second most sales generated product and successfully beating the competing brands of Ahmed Foods and Shangrilla. National Foods launched Fruitily instant drinks around four years back but failed to receive the customer’s response because of mismanaged distribution and high advertising of competing brand of Tang Fruit Juices. Product Growth as per National Foods Annual Report 2013: Recipe Mix: National Recipes sales grew by 25. 2% further establishing its market leadership. Gross margin improved, thereby further strengthening the financial health of this important category. The National Recipe Princess contest was conducted in fifty colleges across six cities in Pakistan targeting college going female students. The Karachi Special launch was a laser focused activity to cater to Karachi by launching the recipe mixes keeping in mind the Karachi taste palette. Ketchup: The Sauces Category recorded star performance of 39. 6% growth underpinned by highly successful consumer offering of Ketchup and Chat Masala Combo Pack during peak seasonal period of Ramazan. Gross margin also improved significantly in this category. In addition to well-planned and tightly orchestrated advertising and promotional campaign, penetration, availability and visibility provided the brand fuel for growth to register impressive growth. Fruitily: Despite strong competitive environment in this category, Fruitily recorded 5. 6% growth, gained market share with noticeable improvement in Gross margin. As this is new addition to National Foods portfolio, we will continue to invest in this category to accelerate growth for the future. Salt: Sales grew by 26. 5% with Gross margin improving significantly thereby delivering healthy bottom line. This category has significant potential on health platform as it serves the human body’s requirement for Iodine. Pickles: The category grew by 18%, despite stiff competition. However, Gross margin was diluted on account of higher material cost as we did not pass on inflationary pressure to consumers. The manufacturing process has been redesigned to fully exploit the potential of automation and further upgrade the safety standards. Pricing Strategy National Foods launched their brands with penetrating marketing strategies especially for Masala Recipes, Pickles, Jams but found to be involved in skimming strategy for their brand Rivaaj. National Foods’ Masala Recipes are following the same pricing of Shan Recipes Masalas, but after the recent launching of Mehran Recipe Masalas and Nice Recipe Masalas at high priced strategy, National Foods are counted as on the skimming pricing. As National Foods are following the international quality standards with high marketing budgeting, they compel to be on their well settled prices instead of getting down, but to tackle the competition raised by Mehran Recipe Masalas and Nice Recipe Masalas, National Foods introduced Sachet at half price. Distributional Sales Force The National Foods sales team has also made a significant development toward rural penetration and coverage through a dedicated Rural Development Force (RDF). RDF has extended its operations up to 370 uncovered rural settlements and expanded its distribution to more than 4,000 outlets. To improve our distribution operations in Balochistan, they have appointed Muller and Phipps (MP), which is expected to enhance our sales performance in this geography. They have also taken initiatives to deploy IT solutions to maximize the benefit of information management in sales. A new software was implemented across Pakistan with key distributors to capture information on real time basis that will assist NFL to take quick action, provide analysis and assist in decision making. Promotional Activities National Foods is pioneer in developing state of the art promotional ideas in the food industry of Pakistan. Due to extra ordinary creative marketing and advertising campaigns, National Foods is perceived on the priority level as compare to their direct competitor i. e. Shan Foods in recipe masalas. Following are the leading marketing and advertising campaign: Rang Bharti Jao National Recipes celebrated its vivid persona with a two minute TVC, bursting with colors, emotions and sensorial shots of rich home-cooked food. In the background, the majestic voice of Tina Sani singing â€Å"Rang Bharti Jao† added to the surreal delicacy of the video. The â€Å"Rang Bharti Jao† campaign was a great success, as it won over the hearts of consumers due to its emotional appeal, and impressed the jury at the PAS awards. The amazing response led to National Recipe acquiring the Best Campaign Award in the Culinary Category. Karachi Special Launch After National Recipe’s great success, the Marketing Team was set out to cater to Karachi by launching recipe mixes especially made keeping in mind Karachi taste palettes. These recipe mixes have five different variants that are fierier and more flavourful to accommodate and satisfy the bold taste buds of Karachiites. Campaigning for these special recipe mixes was also in full throttle; with a TVC, hoardings and a massive BTL campaign, where the NFL float would go to different apartments and cook for the people there (trial activity). Moreover, Chef Saadat in support of National Foods would go to the float and cook for consumers all across Karachi. All this information was shared on our Facebook page for added hype. The Karachi Special Launch was a great stepping-stone for the brand’s aspirations of having long-term National Recipe loyalists in Karachi. National Ketchup Campaign National Ketchup experienced a huge boost in sales due to creative campaigns that coined the product as 100% tomatoes, making it synonymous with â€Å"real tomatoes†. Consumers highly appreciated the pre-emptive organic link to freshness and made the campaign, which ran on ATL and POS, very effective. The campaign also supported Ramadan season, which provided added exposure. National Recipe Princess Hundreds of college students were given a chance once again by National Foods to showcase their culinary skills. The National Recipe Princess contest was conducted in fifty colleges across six cities in Pakistan, with the aim of searching talented young girls who have a flair for cooking to compete for the title of Recipe Princess. This activation was highly successful as electronic media and digital media (Facebook page) gave it a huge boost. College students could keep track of the competition through photos, maps of the contest route, and group discussions and comments, resulting in colossal exposure of over a million views of the competition nationwide. Celebrity guest judges were also invited to the competitions for added hype and brand publicity creating the ideal recipe for success! National Pickles Campaign The attempt to reinvent the brand image of National Pickles proved to be a great success. The aim was to reposition it as a happening brand with an added zing, along with highlighting the pure, delicious and rich ingredients that make National Pickles the best. From the hummable tune to mouth-watering food shots and sensational ingredient shots, the campaign spoke to audiences of all ages, and increased the number of National Pickles fans in no time. National Ka Pakistan Pakistan’s culinary diversity and vivid culture are its joy and pride. National Foods sent out television’s renowned Chef Saadat on an exciting journey to discover the culinary gems hidden in the country’s nooks and crannies. Being the first ever attempt by a food company to create exciting episodic content that reflects the rich fusion of tradition and taste, this series was an attempt to showcase a safer and softer image of Pakistan along with highlighting Pakistan’s unparalleled love for food. The episodes were aired on 9 channels and were heavily supported by digital media as well. The show attained top ten ratings on news and entertainment channels, making it incredibly popular. National Ka Pakistan also bagged the prestigious Passion for Pakistan Award in the PAS awards 2012, triggering overwhelming success. Taste Of Pakistan National launched ‘Taste of Pakistan’, a unique cookbook that captured Chef Saadat’s journey from ‘National ka Pakistan’, and also celebrated Pakistan’s wonderful cuisine with 50 mouth-watering recipes from all across Pakistan. The response to this book was extremely positive because of the fact that the informative cookbook was not only a source for scrumptious recipes, but also a travel log, which helped consumers discover different regions of Pakistan and their delectable cuisines. Facebook Page Support By creating a presence on Facebook through the brand page, National Foods was able to interact with consumers on a much more consumer-friendly forum. It encouraged engagement as National Foods fans could now be updated about all the latest launches, BTL, contests, recipes, amongst other activities. Likes skyrocketed from a mere 15,000 to 60,000 within only eight months which resulted in an increase in the National Foods fan following, while setting sails to rising success for the brand. One-Minute Recipes In the fast-paced world of today’s times, people are always looking for quick solutions to everything. Taking the growing digital users as a base, National Foods launched the first ever one-minute video recipe cards in Pakistan. These one-minute videos were the quickest way to view a recipe with ease, and therefore, they gained a great deal of popularity, especially among the younger audience. The videos are now available on Google Play for Android cell-phone users too. To date, these videos have been viewed more than 55,000 times and the application software has been downloaded more than 6,000 times, thereby demonstrating its success. NATIONAL FOODS AS LEADING EXPORTER BThe wide range of National Foods products enjoys unparalleled acclaim across the world as we believe in providing nothing but the best. National Foods products are famous globally for their freshness, taste, hygiene and value for money. Providing you the exotic taste of Pakistan, National Foods products are distributed in over 35 countries in 5 continents, through our strategic partners. And with our continuous success, we are rapidly making inroads into new markets worldwide. NATIONAL FOODS IN COMMUNITY Commitment to CSR has been a part of the NFL strategy since its inception. Different initiatives reflecting our values are undertaken to give back to the society that has supported our business throughout the years. At NFL, we believe that CSR starts with providing the highest quality of products and services at the least cost and with the least environmental impact. From this foundation, our CSR aspirations continue to grow, incorporating processes and activities that aim to strengthen society and ensure sustainable social delivery. Sustainability underlines the foundation for NFL’s business endeavors, where we especially engage in strategic social investments, working to empower and uplift communities. The CSR Mission of National Foods is â€Å"Our CSR commitments must reflect all facets of our corporate personality – NFL as a manufacturer, an employer, a consumer in itself and as an industry leader. We uphold these commitments through our values, policies and our practices. †

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Strategy Of Apple Inc Marketing Essay

The Strategy Of Apple Inc Marketing Essay Introduction Along with the development of economy and technology, electronic products have achieved a rapid development. That is mainly because the high electron technology can cater for peoples daily demands such as communication, entertainment, work and some other aspects. Moreover, in modern times, peoples living standards have generally improved, thus their demands of life quality is raising. Therefore, there are many opportunities for the companies that provide electronic products and services. However, along with the development of electronic industry, the competition becomes intense. Thus the appreciate strategies are important for companies to achieve a successful and stable development. In this essay, it will firstly introduce the history of Apple Inc.. Following that, it will apply Porters strategy framework to Apple Inc.. And then, it will outline 3 future strategic options for Apple Inc.. After that, it will evaluate the contribution of culture to the strategic success of Apple Inc. At last, it will make a conclusion. The history of Apple Inc. Apple Inc was established by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak on April Fools Day, 1976. They firstly built a computer circuit board which named the Apple I in Los Altos, California. Jobs made it Apples mission to bring an easy-to-use computer to market. And then, the company launched the Apple II, which was more convenient for people to use straight out of the box. From than on, Apple became the leader of the industry quickly, selling more than 100,000 Apple IIs by the end of 1980 and it launched a successful IPO in 1980 (Carlton, 1997). Apple introduced the Macintosh to the market in 1984, which reflected the ease of computer use, the breakthrough in industrial design and technical elegance. The stable development of Apple during the 1980s was mainly due to the leadership in the education field. The implementation of the LOGO Programming Language by Logo Computer Systems Inc. had provide the opportunities for the Apple II. The success of Apple and LOGO in the education field brought a b road base of loyal users all over the world to Apple Inc.. Apples world wide market share had achieved about 8% by 1990. The major share come from the education market. At that time, Apple controlled all aspects of its computer, and it could offer customers a complete desktop solution involved in software, hardware, and some other aspects. Apple introduced the PowerBook to the market in 1991, which established the ergonomic layout of the laptop computer and the modern form of the computer. Although the Macintosh Portable was produced as powerful as the desktop Macintosh, however, the Macintosh Portable was weighed 17 pounds with a battery which can work 12 hours. And the PowerBook was 7 pounds and with a battery which can work 3 hours. These were more convenient for people to carry and move. Moreover, the Macintosh Portable can be used without electric power source for at most 12 hours. Therefore, the kind of computer became more and more popular with people all over the world. By t he early 1990, Apple started to develop the alternative platforms to the Macintosh, such as the A/UX. In 1994, Apple allied with IBM and Motorola in the AIM alliance. In 1997, Apple joined Microsoft to release new versions of Microsoft Office for the Macintosh. In the later years, Apple continued to develop new products to cater for the demands of market and consumers. The company has take various strategies to achieve the business objectives and more profits. Application of Porters strategy framework to Apple Inc. Brief introduction of Porters strategy framework Porters strategy framework involves in 5 forces competitive rivalry, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of suppliers and bargaining power of buyers. The competitive rivalry is influenced by various factors involve in the market growth rate, level of fixed costs, frequency of over capacity, extent of product differences, strength of brand identities, cost of exiting the industry, comparability of competitive rivals and some other aspects. The threat of new entrants depends on the capital requirements, economies of scale enjoyed by existing competitors, cost advantages enjoyed by existing competitors, existing product differences, strength of existing product brand loyalty, access to distribution channels, access to appropriate technology (Porter, 1997), access to long term supplies of raw materials and some other aspects. The threat of substitutes depends on the relative price of substitutes, technical comparability of substitutes, costs of switching, spee d of technological development in substitute industry and some other aspects. The bargaining power of suppliers depends on monopoly power in supplier industry, degree of differentiation of suppliers product, costs of switching supplier, importance of volume to the supplier, importance of suppliers product to the industry and some other aspects. The bargaining power of buyers depends on buyer volume, availability of substitute products, costs of switching, concentration of buyers industry, price sensitivity, product differences, buyer information and some other aspects (Porter, 1998). The analysis of Apple Inc.s 5 competitive forces Competitive rivalry: the competitive rivalry of Apple Inc. is medium. On one hand, there are many famous brands have great influence in the computer market such as IBM, DELL, Lenovo, Sony and some other brands. These brands provide various computers in different shapes, colors, functions and some other aspects. And the computers suits different people such as student, businessman, common employee and some other people. And the computers are in different prices, thus the computers can cater for the demands of different social classes. However, it is well known that the price of Apple is general very high, and not all of the people can offer it. Therefore, most of the customers may like to choose other brands computer. This will weaken Apples competitive power. On the other hand, although the price of Apples products is high, however, it is well known that the quality of the products is high and the functions of the products have strong power. Thus many customers would like to choose A pples products for the good functions. And in the aspect of products, Apple has strong competitive power. Thus in the comprehensive point of view, the competitive rivalry of Apple Inc. is medium. Threat of new entrants: The force of the threat of new entrants is low. First of all, Apple Inc. was established in 1976, and it has more than 30 years growth. During the 34 years development, Apple has cooperated with many companies that have great influence on the computer industry. The companys business idà ©e and the quality of the products or services are well known by the people all over the world. It can be said that Apple Inc. is the leader in the computer industry. And there is no company can surpass the position of Apple in the computer industry. Moreover, the new entrants are usually the new brands (Stewart, 2004). These new entrants do not have any brand effect. Because the products that they provide are not used before, therefore, they can not provide the proofs for the customers and make them to believe that the quality of the products is high and the products are reliable and practical. The products of the new entrants usually use the software and hardware that produc ed by other companies and applied in many brands products. There is no innovation that the new entrants can provide. Therefore, it is difficult for them to attract customers and competitive with the famous brand such as Apple Inc.. From these points of view, the force of the threat of new entrants is low. Threat of substitutes: the force of the threat of substitutes is medium. It is well known that the products of Apple have great functions and high quality. The production costs are higher than other brands. And the computer of Apple have special functions that other brands computer do not have. That is because the research and development skills of Apple is higher than other companies. However, on the contrary, the substitutes such as the computers, mobile phones, music players and some other aspects become more and more in the market. There are some famous companies that provide the similar products or services such as Sony, IBM, DELL, and some other brands. The quality of the products also very good, and the functions can generally meet the common consumers demands. Whats the most important, the price of the substitutes is lower than Apples products. Based on these aspects, the consumers may consider the substitutes that can provide the similar services and cost lower. Therefore, t he force of the threat of substitutes is medium. Bargaining power of suppliers: the bargaining power of suppliers is high. Because Apple has its own fixed suppliers. The software, hardware, and some other fitting parts are provided by the certain suppliers. Because Apple Inc. has strict and high requirements on its products, thus the components must have the quality assurance. Thus Apple can not choose the suppliers at random. Based on this, the suppliers display important and essential roles in the business of Apple. Thus any requirements that the suppliers point out will have great influence on the normal operation of Apple and its decision-making. Thus the bargaining power of suppliers is high. Bargaining power of buyers: the bargaining power of buyers is low. First of all, the brand of Apple is popular with the people all over the world, the famous reputation has already set up in the whole world. Thus Apple Inc. has the qualification to positioning its products and the price. Moreover, more and more people become to pay attention to Apples products because their special functions, and the number of Apples customers is raising. Although the price of Apples products is high, however, many people would like to buy the products. In addition, the new entrants and substitutes can not bring great threat to Apple, which means that Apple can still occupy great market share (Segal-Horn and Faulkner, 1999). Therefore, Apple will not adopt the strategy of reducing the products price. According to these factors, the bargaining power of buyers is low. The unusual aspects of the way Apple Inc. does business First of all, Apple Inc. cooperate with the companies that display great even dominant roles in the industry such as IBM, Motorola, Microsoft and some other companies. This cooperation will strengthen Apples competitive power and comprehensive power, because it will obtain the support of its partners (Linzmayer, 2004). Moreover, Apple Inc. applies itself to the research and development of high-end products which have special functions that other brands can not provide the same services. Although this needs much costs, however, the products will achieve more attention by people, and attract more customers (Linzmayer, 2004). In addition, Apple has its own management methods and business strategies. All of these will help the company make a smooth and successful operation, and achieve a rapid development (Linzmayer, 2004). Because the management and strategies deal with the problems, and create new opportunities for the company to obtain development. The future strategic options for Apple Inc. There are some major future strategic options for Apple Inc., thus the company can obtain a more rapid and successful business and development. Cost leadership strategy Cost leadership is the comparative advantage of the business which compared with competitors. If the cumulative cost of the value activities of the company is lower than the cost of its competitors, it has cost advantage. If a company knows about the cost difference between itself and its competitors, there are two main ways to achieve cost advantage, one is to implement cost control to all of the aspects of value creation, another is to re-structure a new lower cost value chain which is to use higher efficacy ways to design, produce and sale the productions (Willis, 2001). Generally speaking, cost leadership strategy necessarily requires a company to become the cost leader, but not to be a member of the companies that compete for this position. Many companies have not realized this point so that they have made great errors in planning the strategy. When there is not only one company looks forward to becoming the cost leader, the competition between them is very intense because each percentage point of market share are considered essential (Jeffrey, 2005). This is a very important strategy for Apple Inc. Because Apple Inc. is a worldwide famous company, and it is business covers all over the world. Thus the cost of the business arrangement is huge, which involves in the employment cost, raw material cost, technology research and development cost, transportation cost, sale cost and some other aspects (Wright, Kroll and Parnel, 1996). Therefore, the various costs occupy a great part of the companys competitive power. If the company does not pay attention to the power of the cost, and take measures to reduce the costs, it will waste more on the products or services research and development. Moreover, if Apple Inc. has special strategic chains management: the optimization of enterprise value chain, smooth supply chain management, win-win chain and customer satisfaction chain, it will have a rapid development., because these will support the cost leadership strategy. Apple Inc. may insist CHAMPS management policy, which is comprehensive and with consumer-oriented, Apple Inc. also can take the strategies that growth-centered, for instance, it can target one of the means of achieving profits-cost leadership (Peter and Donnelly, 2004). If Apple Inc. takes full advantage of these strategies, it will strengthen its competitive advantage. Market penetration strategy Market penetration strategy is the development strategy that making market expansion, the strategy can be launched through expanding the production scale, increasing production capacity, adding product features, improving product use, expanding sales channels, exploring new markets, reducing product cost, concentrating resources and so on. The strategies core is reflected in two aspects: one is to use the present products to open up new markets, another one is to provide new products to present market. Market penetration strategy is special of the competitive strategy, it is a company development strategy that based on existing products and fully develops its market potential, it also be called basic business development strategy (Nonala and Kenney, 2002). Because market penetration strategy is formed with existing products and existing market, so the managers of the enterprises should have systematic consideration of market, products and marketing mix strategy so as to achieve the p urpose of promoting market penetration. For Apple Inc., the market penetration is one of the major strategies. Although the company has occupied many markets all over the world, however, not all of the markets can meet the companys demands, in other words, the company can not achieve its business objectives and expected profits. Therefore, the company needs to take measures to promote the products in more markets and attract more customers. Expect the production of computer, the company also produces cell phone, music player, and some other products (Harris, 997). However, the demands of market and consumers continue to change, thus the company should keep researching and developing new products and services, so as to cater for the customers needs and meet their satisfaction. Moreover, in some small cities, as the commerce is not very developed, and the peoples living standard is not high, thus some famous brands especially the products or services that have high price may not provided in the small cities. However, there w ill be some consumers who live in the small cities would like to buy the products of Apple Inc.. Based on this situation, the Apple Inc. should promote some products in the new markets, so as to expand the sale scale. Diversification strategy Diversification strategy is a development strategy of operating the products or service of more than two different uses. Enterprises can occupy and explore more markets and avoid the risk of single operation with the diversification strategy. The so-called product diversification means that the enterprises new products across a wide range of profession that may not relative to the same industry. The general sense of diversification mainly refers to the diversification of production. Diversification is different from product differentiation. Product differentiation is the segmentation of the same market, but essentially the same product. Production diversification is the same companys products into a heterogeneous market, it adds the kinds of new products and enters new market (Harris, 2003). For Apple Inc., the diversification strategy is not a strange strategy. Because the company has already take the strategy to develop its business. At present, the business scope of Apple Inc. refers to computer industry, mobile telephone industry, player industry and some other industries. However, the products in the industries can not always meet the consumers demands. Because the technology develops very fast, and the speed of electronic products regeneration is very fast, thus in order to keep in pace with the markets development and change, Apple Inc. should continue to research and develop new products that in different industries. Therefore, Apple Inc. can keep its competitive advantages in the various industries (Wit and Meyer, 2010). At present, Apple Inc. has not done very well in this aspect, thus it needs to keep creating new products or services in the various industries that it refers to. These three future strategic options can be considered by Apple Inc., as each option is suitable for Apple Inc.s some certain operation situations. If the company can do something that related to the options, it will get some help in its business. The evaluation of the contribution of culture to the strategic success of Apple Inc. First of all, Apple Inc. pays much attention to the management, especially the leadership. The company has strict requirements on the leaders, and the management of the company. The reason why the company can achieve such a stable and smooth development is that it insists the strict management. This is one of the important culture factors in Apple Inc. It requires the people in the manage layer must have personal knowledge and skills to organize and control the related work. Whats the most important, the managers must have strong ability to make decisions. From the company be established, the managers continued to formulate the strict management system, thus the company can be arranged in the order, and the operation can rely on the internal regulations (Bartol, Martin and Tein, 2004). A companys business and development can not leave the effective management, and the effective management can not leave the correct and exact decision-making. Thus the company can make the most apprecia te strategies to do the business, and grasp the opportunities correctly and avoid the threats in time. Moreover, Apple has a reputation for fostering individuality and excellence that reliably draws talented people into its employ. The company has training system and train many groups talented employees every year. In order to recognize the best of the companys employees, Apple Inc. established the Apple fellows program, providing reward to the employees who have made extraordinary technical or leadership contributions to the individual computing while at the company. The Apple Fellowship has provided much reward to many employees who made special contributions to the company, and the reward also drive the employees to work hard and try to bring more benefits to the company (Smith, 1994). This kind of culture help the company foster many talented people, and help the company encourage and drive the employees to require themselves strictly, and become more professional, thus they can complete the mission perfectly, and make more contributions to the company. The company very value the employees self-management. For instance, during a certain period, Apple Inc. did not establish the rules and related regulations that requires the working time, the duties and the salary of the employees, on the contrary, it asked the employees to plan these aspects by themselves. This kind of management can make the employees to have a better realization of their own such as the professional skill, the knowledge, the physical energy, the intelligence, and some other aspects. Therefore the employees can make a self management and improve their comprehensive ability. In addition, Apple Inc. promises some employees to choose to work either in the company or at home, and give them freedom to participate in the meetings that hold by the company (Rusaw, 2007). The freedom of the choices can provide the employees much convenience to arrange the work and the daily affairs. Based on this, the company can obtain the employees loyalty and love, they may support the management methods of the o rganization, and have enough enthusiasm to work for the organization, thus they can promote the organizations development in a large extent. The culture of employee management not only can promote the company to have a good development and achieve more profits, but also can promote the employees to have a rapid growth and obtain more benefits. Furthermore, Apply Inc. continues to make the culture innovation. The company always creates an environment that can motivate innovation. The company has established some rules to encourage and promote the employees innovation. Moreover, Apply Inc. provides the material and spiritual support for the employees who can make the innovation such as the idea innovation, the production innovation, the technology innovation and so on. During the process of innovation, the company always gives much encouragement, and provides attractive reward to the employees who have made the innovation. According to this, the employees will be aware of the importance of innovation, and they may pay attention to the various aspects that may contribute to the product or service innovation (Bouchikhi and Kimberly, 2008). During a certain period, Apple Inc. promises the employees to do what they would like to do and make the behavior according to their interest. The employees do not need to obey the strict an d hidebound roles or regulations in the company, thus their thought is also be restricted. Therefore, in Apple Inc., the dream of enjoying the staffs themselves can come true. By this way, the employees can foster their interests by making full of time, thus they can have enough time and energy to create new things or new thoughts for the company. Thus the company may collect more resources or thought to make the innovation in the aspects of product, service, technology, management and some other aspects. Therefore, the company can maintain the leader position in the computer industry, strengthen the competitive power in various industries it refers to, and keep in pace with the markets change, and finally achieve more profits and successful development. In addition, Apple Inc. pays much attention to the customers feelings. The company make efforts to research the customers demands and collect the related information as the product creation basis. One of Apples business objective is to meet the customers needs and satisfaction. Because the customers are the consumers, and the profit is achieved finally from the consumers. Thus the company very values the customers feelings about the products or services that it provides (Caldari, 2007). Apple continues to create new products so as to cater for the customers different demands. The company provides the products not only in the stores, but also sells the products online, this will bring much convenience to the customers. The company also sets up many after-sales departments, thus the customers can obtain the help any time if there are some problems with the products. This kind of culture will help Apple Inc. to attract more customers and obtain their loyalty. Conclusion In conclusion, Apple Inc. has a long development history. And with the long-term growth, it has achieved a certain successful development. The various strategies have contributed much to the rapid and successful development. Therefore, the company can not neglect the influencing factors of the strategies such as the culture. However, it is difficult for the company to maintain the leader position in the computer industry, thus it must take the correct and appreciate strategies and make full use of them. Therefore, Apple Inc. can keep in pace with the market development, and achieve the stable and long-term development.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Major Battles of the Civil War Essays -- Civil War History Histori

The Major Battles of the Civil War No other war seems to hold our focus like the Civil War. Scholars have chosen to make it their life's work, authors have written reams about it, and we all feel some kind of connection to the Civil War. This paper was created to highlight some of the major battles that took place during that conflict. Major battles usually marked a drastic change in the momentum from one side to the other or led to massive losses of troops. These battles and their results all played a huge part in the outcome of the war. One of the war’s first battles was the Battle of First Bull Run. Today's site of the Battle of First Bull Run is a tranquil pasture surrounded by trees and a split rail fence. Instead of the neigh of a horse, you'll hear, in the distance, the sound of passing cars. A community college has a campus nearby, couples enjoy the sunshine and a nice walk, and a few kites fly leisurely in the breeze held by the hands of children. It's nothing like July 21, 1861; it's quiet. Everyone in Washington and the surrounding area had heard talk of the troops gathering outside Manassas Junction, Virginia. Expectations ran high that the Union troops would quickly send their Confederate brothers running for the hills. Buggies of spectators traveled the thirty miles from Washington to see the battle. Picnic baskets were opened and folks prepared to watch the show. No one expected what they saw. This wasn't one of the biggest battles of the war, but it was the formal opening for both sides. Of the 32,500 Confederate soldiers, 1,982 of them became casualties, while the Union counted 2,896 casualties from 35,000 troops. Many thought this would quickly settle the dispute; all it did was prepare everyone for a long war and move the Federal government into action. Another major battle took place at Shiloh. Isn't it strange that a battle as bloody as the battle at Shiloh would begin on a Sunday morning and be named for a country church near the battlefield? Maybe the soldiers didn't even see the irony. Then again, maybe someone did. The Union soldiers weren't prepared for the charge of their Confederate brothers. Many of the Union troops were untrained and undisciplined, but as in so many battles of war, mundane events served to alter the future. General Albert S. Johnston, CSA, had given his commanding generals orders to attack ... ...uring the Peninsula Campaign in 1862. He impressed his commanding general, Major General George McClellan, and steadily made rank afterward. Meade commanded a division at Antietam and the V Corps at Chancellorsville. Lincoln chose Meade to replace Major General Joseph Hooker in June 1863, as the commander of the Army of the Potomac. Meade was criticized for not pursuing the Rebel forces after the battle, but that didn't shake Lincoln's faith in Meade. Meade held command of the Army of the Potomac until the end of the war and became the most successful and longest serving Union commander. There were many battles that followed the battle of Gettysburg. Some were more important than others, but all played a part in the outcome of the war. The victories by the Union at Petersburg and Richmond led General Robert E. Lee to surrender at Appomattox. This effectively brought the most horrifying war in American History to an end. Many American soldiers died but not in vein. They fought for our country and to help hold it together. These battles and many more just show us how horrible war was, but without these battles America wouldn’t be what it is today, a unified and free country.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Comparison of Supply Chain Management Practices Essays -- Wal-Mart and

This report provides a comparison of the supply chain management practices of Wal-Mart and Toyota. Comparison was done after researching, examining, and analysing each company’s supply chain management practices, in relation to each company’s values and philosophy. Comparison was done in five sections, by examining strategic alliances, procurement and outsourcing, challenges and risks, sustainable strategies, and efficient supply chains in relation to technology. Additional figures and references used can be found in the appendix and reference list. Comparison of the two supply chain management practices showed that despite being from different industries, with different company philosophies, Wal-Mart and Toyota both have similarities in their supply chain management practices. In particular, the two companies are similar in their responses to challenges and risks faced, as well as the incorporation of sustainable strategies in their supply chain practices, and their usage of technology to increase the efficiency of their supply chains. In conclusion, a number of recommendations are presented for each firm. Wal-Mart is advised to foster a more collaborative supplier relationship, especially with local entities in unfamiliar markets, as well as encouraging suppliers to build more sustainable operations through the research of efficient packaging designs. Recommendations for Toyota include revising contracts and risk management with Toyota’s current and future suppliers for stricter quality control along their supply chain, so as to ensure delivered materials are standardised. Moreover, Toyota could also enter new geographic markets though a strategic alliance with existing companies. By doing so, Toyota is able maintain thei... ..._philosophy/toyota_global_vision_2020.html. Toyota Global. (2013, September). Sustainability Report 2013. Retrieved from Trudell, C., & Hagiwara, Y. (2014, April 10). Toyota Recalls More Than 6 Million Vehicles Worldwide. Bloomberg. Retrieved from Useem, J., Schlosser, J., & Kim, H. (2003). One Nation Under Wal-Mart. Vitousek, P. M. (1994). Beyond global warming: ecology and global change. Ecology, 75(7), 1861-1876. Waller, M., Johnson, M. E., & Davis, T. (2001). Vendor-managed inventory in the retail supply chain. Journal of business logistics, 20, 183-204. Want, R. (2004). RFID: A key to automating everything. Scientific American,290(1), 56-65.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Neoplatonic Doctrine :: essays research papers fc

The Neoplatonic Doctrine As defined by Funk and Wagnals, Neoplatonism is a type of idealistic monism in which the ultimate reality of the universe is held to be an infinite, unknowable, perfect One. From this one emanates nous (pure intelligence), whence in turn is derived the world soul, the creative activity of which engenders the lesser souls of human beings. The world soul is conceived as an image of the nous, even as the nous is an image of the One; both the nous and the world soul, despite their differentiation, are thus consubstantial with the One. The world soul, however, because it is intermediate between the nous and the material world, has the option either of preserving its integrity and imaged perfection or of becoming altogether sensual and corrupt. The same choice is open to each of the lesser souls. When, through ignorance of its true nature and identity, the human soul experiences a false sense of separateness and independence, it becomes arrogantly self-assertive and falls into sensual and depraved habits. Salvation for such a soul is still possible, the Neoplatonist maintains, by virtue of the very freedom of will that enabled it to choose its sinful course. The soul must reverse that course, tracing in the opposite direction the successive steps of its degeneration, until it is again united with the fountainhead of its being. The actual reunion is accomplished through a mystical experience in which the soul knows an all-pervading ecstasy.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Doctrinally, Neoplatonism is characterized by a categorical opposition between the spiritual and the carnal, elaborated from Plato's dualism of Idea and Matter; by the metaphysical hypothesis of mediating agencies, the nous and the world soul, which transmit the divine power from the One to the many; by an aversion to the world of sense; and by the necessity of liberation from a life of sense through a rigorous ascetic discipline. (Funk and Wagnalls) History of Neoplatonism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Neoplatonism began in Alexandra, Egypt, in the third century AD. Plotinus was the founder of Neoplatonsim and was born in Egypt. He studied at Alexandra with the philosopher Ammonium Saccus. Along with 224 others he helped carry the Neoplatonic doctrine to Rome, where he established a school. Other important Neoplatonic thinkers were the Syrian-Greek scholar's, Porphyry and Lablichus. The Syrian, Athenian, and Alexandrian Schools Neoplatonism was the last of the great schools of classical pagan philosophy. Platonism, as well as Aristotlism, Stoicism, and Pythagoreanism, all provided an awkward understanding of classical Greek paganism.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Early Childhood Services Norway Essay

Government goal – â€Å"all children whose parents wish it should have a place in a barnehage, full-time or part-time. † (OECD, 1999:12) â€Å"All municipalities must offer an ECEC place to all parents †¦ who want to enrol their child. As yet, corresponding legislation has not been drafted to give a legal right to all parents to a place for their child. † (OECD, 2006: 399) Two separate traditions brought together in Barnehage – * Educationally focused barnehage (19th century – Froebel) * Daghem – (translates as day home) Precursor was barneasyl (children’s asylum 1837) – more social , focused on poor families. Norways approach to Early Childhood Care and Education Barnehage – viewed as having â€Å"an integrated care and educational role† †¦ â€Å"care and learning are seen as inseparable activities. † (OECD, 199: 12) Provision grew slowly – 1970’s increase in service (1970 attendance – 5% of 3/4 yrs olds to 1990’s – attendance rates for 1 – 5 yr olds = 47-60% and increase since then) Very few children under 12mths in barnehage (well developed parental leave system) Barnehage – vary in terms of ownership, management, and funding. 47% – public, owned and managed by local authorities (kommune). Remainder are private – owned and managed in a variety of ways (parent groups, non-profit organisations). All receive state subsidy – all parents make payments – all local authorities subsidise public barnehager that they own and manage. Local authorities vary re policy subsidising private barnehager. Consequence – 3 types of barnehage in relation to funding (public, private – receive local authority funding & private – who do not receive local authority funding). Variations in public funding – parental fees higher in private barnehage – (except those who fall under the local authority funding). Variations in parental fees in local authority barnehage – some cases fees the same for all families. Norwegian System – 4 other types of provision; 1. ‘open kindergarten’ – children attend with parent/carer. 2. Family Day care divided into two groups – Private (a) offer totally private service; 3. Family day carers (b) networks (familiebarnehager) – can be public/private managed & supervised by one trained pre-school teacher per 30 children. 4. SFO – care and recreation for school aged children (6yrs was 7yrs) outside school hours. School in first 4 grades – from 6 yrs = 20 hours per week – child spends rest of time in SFO. SFO – may be located at school, or separate accommodation. Attendance rates vary. Education system overall dominated by groups care in a particular type of centre. Staff in Barnehager 3 types of staff†¦ 1. Styrere (leader) – management. 2. Pedagogiske (trained teacher). 3. Assistents . Remaining staff†¦ * Bilingual assistants (ethnic minority groups) * Other teaching staff (special needs) * Other persons (chefs/cleaners) All styrere & pedagogiske – have to have qualified as ECEC teacher (both types of staff have the same training). Training in ECEC Norway  3 years full time study – possible to do 4 year distance learning training (mature students with some experience avail of this). In service training available. Admission to pre-school training – 3 year study in general subjects at upper secondary. No special requirements for assistents (recently introduction of 2 years of school and 2 years in workplace = can choose health & social care /child & youth workers option to cover work in the barnehager, SFO, clubs and other services. Salaries – depends on training & position. (OECD,1999: 16) Most staff in barnehager are female. Men 8% of all staff direct contact with children. (OECD 2006) Emphasis on men in childcare – two main motives: 1. gender equality 2. right of children to meet both men and women. Male workers seen as important to boys. Childhood institutionalised (role models mainly women – concern from Norwegian Government) (Research into this needed †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ) Children with diverse needs (OECD 2006) Children with disabilities: Children with disabilities have a priority right to services provided it is deemed by an expert that the child will be able to benefit from attending the day care institution. Children from low-income families: The child poverty rate in Norway is 3. 4% after taxes and transfers, compared to the OECD average of 11. 2%. The barnehage is considered to play an important role in terms of preventive child welfare. Children living in at-risk circumstances, places are fully funded by municipalities. Supports are provided also to enable barnehager accommodate children with disabilities, children from low-income families and bilingual children. Ethnic and bilingual children: An indigenous ethnic group, the Sami, constitute 1. 7% of the Norwegian population. Sami language kindergartens are funded generously whenever there is a concentration of Sami families. Curriculum and pedagogy: The first national curriculum plan, called a Framework Plan, came into force in 1996. The curriculum, which must be used by all barnehager, is based on the Nordic tradition of combining education and care. A Sami supplement is integrated in the plan. All barnehager, including familiebarnehager and open barnehager, must base their annual plans on this Framework, which is the National Curriculum. The Framework Plan emphasises that both local cultural values and the national cultural heritage, as reflected in the childhood environment, must be represented in the activity of the barnehage (Background Report for Norway, 1999). A revised Framework Plan enters into force on 1st August 2006. The main principles are the same, with the new Kindergarten Act giving children a legal right to participate in all questions concerning their daily lives in ECEC. The Norwegian Child (OECD, 1999:21) â€Å"strong idea of how the Norwegian child should be and what it means to live a good childhood† (OECD, 1999:21). â€Å"Important to protect childhood from too much adult control† (OECD, 1999:21). â€Å"Adults should not take childhood away from children, but bring it back to them. † (OECDm 1999:21) Value of childhood & children seen as a social group within society.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Brain Death

Death occurs at an individual at the moment that his or her heart and lung stops functioning in such a way that they could never be restored. At the same instance, the brain function also stops. Death had been referred to as cardio respiratory death until technology altered the context death through the introduction of what was known as brain death which refers to the cessation of brain function and activity determined or measured by different test such as EEG diagnostics. Most of the time, the term brain death refers to a patient that lost brain capacity to do important function.They may sometimes be sustained by medical apparatus but is not literally dead in the physical context. However in some countries, these persons are considered dead and organs can be transplanted to some other patients who need body organs and patients who are brain alive. Thus, benefiting the society as a whole and as well as the receivers of the organ. Although the acknowledgment of brain death benefits th e community, several controversies and contradictions arise. Such conflict includes the different views regarding when the patient is to be considered brain dead, which also includes the controversies regarding PVS patients.Although new development on the fields of technology arises to be able to determine if one person is really brain dead, such as Digital Subtraction Angiography, Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT), Dynamic Computed Tomography (DCT), Magnetic Resonance Imaginary (MRI), Echo Planar MRI (EPI) and many other types of equipment, a consensus regarding the acceptance of brain death was never reached because of some ethical and cultural concerns. Such factor includes the different views and stand of the pubic regarding organ transplant.Still, the main factor against the consensus of accepting brain death is the public’s opinion and view, specially the families of the patient who were considered to be brain dead, regarding the matter. They are unlikely to accept th e burial of a breathing human or to intentionally terminate the cardio respiratory function of an individual through lethal injections or some other means. Due to several controversies regarding brain death, several policies had been made. However controversies and contradictions are still present, regarding brain death.Returning to Cardio Respiratory death will eliminate objections regarding brain death which was the original definition of death. Modern advances in medical technology are really challenging our conception of what it means to be human, to be alive. For some, the concept of Brain Death is also a form of legalizing killing.DEFINITION OF BRAIN DEATH: ROBERT BLANKStudies showed that the brain begins to die due to some several causes. One of the major causes was ageing in which there exist a gradual lost of sensory capacities in one’s brain.The higher the age of an individual means higher risk of having a decline in memory and other functions of the brain. Aging is the natural process in which brain functions declines. There are also causes which are not natural such as injuries, cancer, stoke as well as alcohol and drug abuse. However, the concept of brain death does not necessarily refers to this process of brain cell death but rather to the cessation of functions and activity of the brain as indicated by several test such as EEG diagnostics.This concept is different from what we normally regard as death. In a general sense, brain death refers to situation to which the patient was diagnosed to be unable to regain consciousness or unable to recover from his or her current state of having brain damage. When a person is considered brain dead he or she is regarded as already dead and thus, organs can be taken for transplants. Because of this definition, several controversies and contradiction occurs.In the beginning of the issue regarding brain death, several criteria were used conclude that a person was really brain dead: â€Å"(1) unreceptiv ity and unresponsiveness; (2) lack of spontaneous movements or breathing and, (3) lack of reflexes† (Blank, page 3). Due to the seriousness of the issue, there had also been acts in order to determine if the person is brain dead. The concept of brain death is still being debated up to the contemporary time even in the presence of modern technological devices such as Digital Subtraction Angiography, CAT, DCT, MRI and others.WHAT TRIGGERED THE CONTROVERSEY OVER BRAIN DEATH?The very reason for the creation of the concept of brain death was the advancement of medical technology. Although there are some machines in the field that were able to support the lungs and heart of a person, the fact that once the brain stem was seriously damaged. Spontaneous respiration could never be returned, providing a patient with no hope of recovery. Thus, the death of a person was linked to the death of certain brain function rather than to the cessation of the heart and lungs.CEREBRAL DEFINITON OF DEATHThe idea of total brain death has always been surrounded by controversies even it was accepted as the standard practice in most of the Western Nations because some argues that it cannot be referring to the death of the whole brain or the cessation of all the functions of the brain. Since the concept of the whole brain death ignores spinal cords reflexes as well as the emission of small electrical potentials measurable by the EEG continuous in some isolated brain cells. On the other hand, the cerebral death was associated to the cessation of the function of the cerebral cortex that is associated with consciousness and mental activity.Thus whenever specific higher brain functions of an individual ceases, he or she is considered cerebral dead rather than the cessation of all brain activity. The concept of equating death to cerebral death was based on the assumption that human life has no longer exist in the absence of the person’s consciousness. Thus, cerebral death focuses on the death of personhood rather than the death of the organism itself. Because of these assumptions, death gains a lot of criticism and objectivity.WHY IT IS DIFFICULT TO INSTITUTE A POLICY DEFINING PVS PATIENTS AS BRAIN DEAD?Patients with PVS have a relatively intact brain stem with the complete lost of cerebral cortical function that may be due to lack of oxygen or blood flow to the brain for about 4-6 minutes. Thus, the patient is left with a transient coma for days and weeks that sometimes also resulted in eyes-open consciousness for years. Although they have cough reactions as well as times of wakefulness and sleep because of the brain stem, they are completely unaware of themselves as well as their environments. PVS patients also experience no pain during the period.These characteristics that makes PVS patients different from permanent coma patients, patients with locked-in syndrome and irreversibly comatose are also the reason why it is difficult to institute a policy that defines PVS patients as brain dead.Summary: PETER MONAGHAN ARTICLEThe idea of referring to brain dead people as dead resulted in different views and stands taken by different groups and cultures. In the United Sates and Canada, the concept of brain was accepted and organs of people who are considered brain dead can be taken for transplant.Several countries on the other hand have different views regarding the matter specially those that that are outside the United States. Other countries have acknowledge the concept of brain death but were unwilling to view brain dead persons as dead and chose to stick to the cessation of heart and lungs as the indication of death of an individual. The differences in the views of the public regarding brain death creates several issues, controversies and as well as objections of the concept.For some, legalizing brain death is just a way of legalizing killing; others believed otherwise, mostly are professionals in the field of medicine who believed th at this concept will be able to save the lives of those persons whose brains are well functioning but are desperately in need of organ transplant. The acceptance of the whole concept of brain death is likely to produce a great development in the field of organ transplant, cloning and other medical fields. However, this would also mean changing the public’s definition of dead; disregarding mostly religious and biological beliefs of the definition of death.Medical technology developments also complicate the issues regarding brain death. Even the question of when should a person should be considered brain dead was still debatable up to the contemporary time. Still, the significance of death in the societal context still overrides medical authority when it comes to a patient known to be brain dead. One of the strongest issues that were against the concept of brain death was the difficulty of family members of a brain dead person to acknowledge the burial or even cremation of thei r love.Another issue that also arises was whether anesthesia should be used for patients that were brain dead. The concept of brain death really does create a lot of controversies and questions that remained debatable up to the present time.COUNTRIES OUTSIDE THE USAIn the United States as well as in Canada, once a person was considered to be brain dead, his or her organs can be removed for transplant. However not all the countries, because of cultural differences, does not view and accept the concept of brain death in the same way.In several European Countries, surgeons could perform the transplant unless the patient forbade it. Still, there are those countries that accepted the idea of brain death and take it into consideration, but still preferred biological death and brain dead persons are not considered dead. There are also some countries that were totally against the idea of brain death. The concept of brain death was merely a convention outside the United States and Canada. Fo r example, in Japan, it took more than 3 decades of debate before the concept of brain death was legally accepted.Still, the issue of brain death remain restricted that allowed for organ transplants. Brain Dead individuals are not considered dead unless they wish to donate their organs. Germany on the other hand first recognized the concept of brain death but reversed its recognition in 1999. Although brain death had been legally accepted in Sweden in 1980’s, the issue is still being debated. On the other hand in the early 1900’s Denmark accepted the concept of brain death but decided not to use this concept in determining if an individual is dead rather they retain the heart and lung cessation of determining death.Thus, because of different views, beliefs and norms, different countries have different approaches regarding the issue of brain death.DECISION MAKING IN OTHER SENSITVE MEDICAL AND SOCIAL ETHICAL AREASThe issue on brain death had made certain impacts when it comes to decision making of some related medical, ethical and social issues. When it comes to ethical concerns, the main question that arises is the issue of life and death. Brain Death had moved some conception of death; it is a new definition of death as some may say.Brain death is a treat to some ethical, cultural and religious beliefs as it offenses certain beliefs of society. On the other hand, brain death offers great advancement in some field such as medicines and other medical aspects. Brain death made it easier for medical personnel to decide on whether to sustain or cut off different medical apparatus that sustains the breathing of the patients. It also helps in deciding to make an organ transplant from patients that are considered brain dead. Thus, it created medical advancement especially in the filed of organ transplant, cloning and other fields.On one point, brain death can be said to help the society by providing organs from those patients who are brain alive and are capable of making a change in society. However, the issue also brings disagreement among the members of the society.TERRY SCHIAVO CASEThe Terry Schiavo Case illustrates both societal and ethical issues concerning brain death, the decision that concern individuals and groups have to make. The different views of Terry’s husband and parents brought conflicts and legal issues.The concept of brain death made it legal to cut off the apparatus or the feeding tube used by Terry. Although Terry’s parents appeals to the court to put back the feeding tube, the court had rejected this appeal. It can be said that the court accepts the fact of brain death and agrees with Terry’s husband that she would rather be dead. However it was really hard for Terry’s parents to accept that their daughter was already dead. Different doctors who had seen Terry have different views and beliefs whether Terry would be able to recover or not.Thus, it was really hard even with several de velopments in medical fields to have a consensus of whether a brain dead person can be classified dead or not.CONCLUSIONIt can really say that medical development altered our notion of death. This brings new challenges to every culture and society. Because different cultures are different, they may have different stands regarding brain death. For some, it was proper to view brain dead person as dead because of the lost of the main function or the brain was already dead.However, some argues that legalizing brain death as death is also a form unjustified killing. The issue or concept of brain death will remain controversial and objections will always arise because of the differences of every culture and individual. Thus, the consensus regarding the matter can never be accomplished.ReferencesBlank, R. (2001). Technology and death policy: redefining death. Mortality: Vol. 6.Monaghan, P. (2002, February 22). Unsettled Question on Brain Death. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Washington : Vol. 48, Iss. 24; pg. A. 14.